Wednesday, January 29
Ludwig Godefroy
Wednesday, February 05
Sara Navrady / Mecanoo
Architectural Alchemy: Space, Meaning & Connection
Wednesday, February 12
James Carpenter
Embodied Light in the Public Realm
Mosaic Architecture Lecture
Monday, March 10
Nzinga Mboup / Worofila
Crafting in-situ Knowledge
Wednesday, March 19 (online, 6 p.m.)
Jun Sato
Transparent Structures providing Komorebi Naturalness
Monday, March 24
Thom Mayne / Morphosis
Of the Moment
Mike Wacholder Memorial Lecture
All lectures will be held at EMPAC Theater with the exception of Jun Sato, which will be held online at 6 pm est.
All lectures at EMPAC will start at 5 pm est. Design studios will end early to allow students and faculty to arrive on time.
Evan Douglis, Professor
School of Architecture
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th Street - Greene Bldg.
Troy, NY 12180 - USA
Front Desk: (+1) 518-276-6466
Dean’s Office: (+1) 518-276-6460
Student Services: (+1) 518-276-6877