2010F_Design Studio_Titus Section
ARCH-2200 | Anthony Titus, Assistant Professor The Knotted Construct Selected Student Work: Beginning with the notion of the body, as a fundamental aspect of the discipline of architecture, the studio was structured as a laboratory of constant exchange and experimentation. Over the span of the semester, students were immersed in a sequence of exercises that allowed for […]
2010F_Design Studio_Seong Section
ARCH-2200 | Eunjeong Seong, Adjunct Professor The Knotted Construct Selected Student Work: The studio focused on exploring the fundamental relationship between body and space. Through investigation on bodily skeletal and muscular joints we employed terms such as the flow of forces and ability to act against force: students created new joint/joinery operations by conceptualizing the physical operation […]
2010F_Design Studio_Oatman Section
ARCH-2200 | Michael Oatman, Associate Professor The Knotted Construct Selected Student Work: Students began the fall First Year Design Studio by pairing off to make a structure that physically connected them for 8 hours. The design and fabrication of this linkage had to be carried out in silence, with the additional constraint of no written communication. This […]
2010F_Design Studio_Ionescu Section
ARCH-2200 | Serban Ionescu, Adjunct Professor The Knotted Construct Selected Student Work: Without words and without knowing, we universally interact in ‘Gesture’. The studio began with this gesture between two individual students attempting to communicate with each other outside their usual realms. Via a number system or a material to sync a singular goal. The ‘Gesture’ is […]
2010F_Design Studio_Blasetti Section
ARCH-2200 | Ezio Blasetti, Adjunct Professor The Knotted Construct Selected Student Work: “Fall 2010 commenced with an unusual assignment: students were paired at random and asked to design a structure that would physically link them for eight hours, during which they were to conduct daily activities. Occupants were to be kept no further apart than 6 feet […]
2010 Copenhagen_Comodromos-Campbell
(Summer) D151ORT Pavilion at Copenhagen Distortion Festival. The project is a international collaboration between students from the Architecture, Experiment and Technology master course at Department 8, Royal School of Architecture led by Niels Andersen and Ali Tabatabai and CITA (the Centre for IT and Architecture) at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture, […]
2008S China Program_Crembil Studio
Unplanned Periphery // Tongji / RPI Joint-Studio, Spring 2008. Faculty: GUSTAVO CREMBIL (with Prof. YANG CHUN XIA and Prof. SONGHUO DAI) // In the laboratory of urbanism that is today’s Chinese city, an architectural hiatus appears between the coarse-grained urban vision of centralized planning and the tangible reality of development. In this chaotic and unattended […]
2006 Haiti_Krueger-Oatman Studio
Rx-Box Open Source Architecture for a World in Transition. Faculty: Ted Krueger + Michael Oatman Students: Emily Albright, Graham Boyd, Heather Brunell, Michael Collard, Christine DiLallo, John Davi, Ryan Hickey, Krysta Levandowski, Adam LoGiudice, Meredith Marks, Sam Olson, Carl Soderberg, Monzoor Tokhi, Stanislav Vinokur, Christopher Wolverton.
2006S CASE/ NYC_Ellinger Studio
Ellinger Vertical Studio- Spring 2008 Faculty: Jefferson A. Ellinger This studio, as the inaugural undergraduate studio for the Center for Architecture, Science, and Ecology, sought to develop design techniques in which environmental analysis could be computationally scripted into the individual’s design matrix. Parametrically linking the ecologically desires as checks and limitations within a software gives […]