Patrick Quinn [recent lecture]

Thu Oct-15 @ 6:30pm (online): Connections Between the Unlikely: PATRICK QUINN_ Livestream Link / “I am interested in the lives and loves and rituals of those who want to live in places evocative of deeper, peaceful, and more joyful experience.” (Patrick Quinn) Emeritus Professor Patrick Quinn, a former dean of Rensselaer School of Architecture (1971-80), […]

Tatiana Bilbao [recent lecture]

Thu Oct-08 @ 6:30pm (online): From Private to Commons: TATIANA BILBAO_ Livestream Link / Tatiana Bilbao is an architect based in Mexico City where she founded her studio in 2004 with the aim of integrating social values, collaboration and sensitive design approaches to architectural work. Valuing contextual analysis on a number of scales, their work […]

Takaharu + Yui Tezuka [recent lecture]

Mon Oct-05 @ 7:30pm (online): Nostalgic Future: TAKAHARU + YUI TEZUKA_ Public Livestream Link / Photos by Katsuhisa Kida/FOTOTECA “Architecture is not merely an object, but holds the power to change people’s lives and societies.” – Takaharu and Yui Tezuka Takaharu Tezuka is an architect, founder of Tezuka Architects, and Professor at the Tokyo City […]

Yung Ho Chang [Recent Lecture]

Thu Oct-01 @ 7pm (online): BUILDING: YUNG HO CHANG (Atelier FCJZ)_ Livestream Link / Yung Ho Chang is a founding principal of Atelier Feichang Jianzhu (FCJZ), established in 1993 in Beijing. Since its inception FCJZ has pursued a multi-disciplinary practice, emphasizing the craft of design, whether through research or realized projects from large-scale urban design […]

Violet Whitney [BldgSci Lectures]

Wed Sep-30 @ 1-2pm via Zoom: VIOLET WHITNEY Admission is Free / The first lecture of the Fall’s Building Science Lecture Series themed “Generative Citizenship: Leveraging New Tools and Forms of Entrepreneurship in the City” will be held on Wednesday, September 30 from 1-2 pm. This virtual lecture will be open to the whole school and […]

Thom Mayne / Morphosis

THOM MAYNE / MULTIPLES AGENDAS (DETACHED ENGAGEMENT) April 15, 2020. The Spring Lecture Series returns with an online presentation by Thom Mayne via ZOOM. Mayne is the founding principal of Morphosis, a global design firm engaged in cross-disciplinary research and design since 1972. Tonight’s presentation will include a Q&A session hosted by Dean Evan Douglis. […]

Thom Mayne / Morphosis [Lecture CANCELLED]

Tue Mar-03 6pm @ EMPAC: THOM MAYNE / MORPHOSIS “STRANGE NETWORKS” Next Tuesday March 3rd continues the Spring Lecture Series with a presentation by Thom Mayne from Morphosis. Mayne is the founding principal of Morphosis, a global design firm engaged in cross-disciplinary research and design since 1972. Based in New York, Los Angeles, and Shanghai, their […]

Davidson Rafailidis + Charlie O’Geen [BldgSci Lectures]

Mon Mar-02, 2:00-3:30pm @ Greene Gallery: DAVIDSON RAFAILIDIS, and CHARLIE O’GEEN. The 2020 Building Science Lecture Series exploring building sciences in the 21st Century continues this Monday, March 2nd at 2:00 in the Greene Gallery with two guest presentations. The first by Stephanie Davidson and Georg Rafailidis from Davidson Rafailidis; followed by architect Charlie O’Geen. […]

Charles Heiler / Dandelion Energy [BldgSci Lecture]

Wed Feb-19, 12:30 – 1:30pm @ GR 101: CHARLES HEILER / DANDELION ENERGY. The 2020 Building Science Lecture Series exploring building sciences in the 21st Century will continue on Wednesday, February 19 at 12.30-1.30 pm in the Greene 101, with the lecture by Charles Hailer from Dandelion Energy. This lecture to open to the whole […]

KWK Promes / Anna Szewczyk

Thu Feb-13 6pm @ EMPAC: THE IDEA OF ARCHITECTURE / KWK PROMES This Thursday starts the Spring Lectures Series with a presentation by Anna Szewczyk from KWK Promes. The firm, founded by Robert Konieczny in Katowice, has become one of the most successful and recognizable Polish architectural studios. Nominated for the Mies Van Der Rohe […]


Evan Douglis, Professor


School of Architecture
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th Street - Greene Bldg.
Troy, NY 12180 - USA

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