Vito Acconci (Spring 2011 Lecture)

Lecture Series

Preston Scott Cohen (Spring 2011 Lecture)

Spring 2011 Lecture Series

Thom Mayne (Fall 2010 Lecture)

Professor Kenneth L. Warriner Memorial Lecture Series Questions on the continuity of contradiction Pritzker Prize-winning architect Thom Mayne is founder of the influential studio Morphosis and co-founder of the Southern California Institute of Architecture. He marries conceptual ideas with form, challenging the way we perceive structure, building and the environment. From Widely regarded as […]

Jose Oubrerie (Fall 2010 Lecture)

Tom Wiscombe (Fall 2010 Lecture)

Fall 2010 Lecture Series Composite Assemblies Tom Wiscombe is the founder and principal of EMERGENT, an internationally recognized design office operating at the forefront of digital design since 1999. EMERGENT’s work stands out in terms of its synthesis of form, pattern, color, and technology. In 2009, ICON Magazine named Principal Tom Wiscombe one of the […]

Philip Beesley (Fall 2010 Lecture)

Fall 2010 Lecture Series

Spring 2010 Lecture Series

Fall 2009 Lecture Series


Evan Douglis, Professor


School of Architecture
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th Street - Greene Bldg.
Troy, NY 12180 - USA

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