[Recent Lecture] Achim Menges
Mon April 27th, 6:00 pm @ EMPAC Concert Hall ACHIM MENGES: “Computational Material Culture” ACHIM MENGES is a a registered architect in Frankfurt, Germany and a professor at the University of Stuttgart, where he is the founding director of the Institute for Computational Design since 2008. Additionally, Menges is a Visiting Professor in Architecture at […]
[Recent Lecture] Aires Mateus
DATE CHANGE TO Mon Apr 20th, 6:00 pm @ EMPAC MANUEL AIRES MATEUS: “Recent Projects” MANUEL AIRES MATEUS is a Portuguese architect and founding co-principal at Aires Mateus. Born in Lisbon, Portugal in 1963, Aires Mateus earned his degree in architecture from F.A./U.T.L., Lisbon Portugal in 1986. He has collaborated with architect Gonçalo Byrne, and since […]
[Recent Event] “Integrated Ideation” Symposium
Mon. April 6th, 4:30 pm @ EMPAC Theater BEDFORD CHAIR SYMPOSIUM: “INTEGRATED IDEATION: THE ART AND SCIENCE OF EXTRAORDINARY STRUCTURES” Featuring: CRAIG SCHWITTER, BuroHappold BRUCE DANZIGER, Arup MICHAEL STEIN, Schlaich Bergermann & Pnr. WILL LAUFS, Laufsed PLLC Craig Schwitter of Burohappold is a leader in the engineering design of complex buildings and large scale developments that […]
[Recent Lecture] Jim Collins ’77
Wed Mar 11th, 6:00 pm @ EMPAC JIM COLLINS: “THE PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE IN AN ERA OF RESISTANCE” JAMES (JIM) COLLINS Jr. FAIA, principal at Payette Associates, is a renowned architect and graduate of the Rensselaer School of Architecture. Deeply invested in the spatial and environmental manifestation of scientific inquiry, Collins has applied the best principles in laboratory and campus […]
[Recent Lecture] Rhett Russo
Mon Feb 9th, 6:00 pm @ EMPAC RHETT RUSSO: “ARCHITECTURE IN SURPLUS” Rhett Russo, principal of Specific Objects Inc., is an internationally recognized architect and designer, and is an Associate Professor and Curriculum Coordinator of the Graduate Architecture Program at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Inspired by the transmissive capacities of matter and the […]
Spring 2016 Lecture Series
LECTURE SERIES (SPRING 2016). Admission is FREE. All lectures start 6:00pm at EMPAC / The Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media + Performing Arts Center . 110 8th Street, Troy NY 12180.
LECTURE SERIES (FALL 2015). Admission is FREE. All lectures start 6:00pm at EMPAC / The Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media + Performing Arts Center . 110 8th Street, Troy NY 12180.
Wed Nov 19th, 6pm @ EMPAC: Theo Jansen: “Stranbeest Evolution: A New Form of Life”_ Theo Jansen, a world-renowned artist, engineer, and visionary futurist from the Netherlands, will present “Strandbeest Evolution: A New Form of Life” on Wednesday November 19th at 6:00pm at EMPAC. Renknowned for his kinetic sculptures, Jansen is the creator of Strandbeests – brilliantly […]
Florencia Pita [Recent Lecture]
Mon Nov 3rd, 6pm @ EMPAC: #COLORFORMING _FLORENCIA PITA is an architect and designer who has been engaged in the practice, teaching, and research of architecture at large. Based in Los Angeles, California as the principal of FPmod and collaborator at Pita and Bloom, Pita is known for her figurative and unexpected designs. Embracing the exuberant and prolific, Pita combines vivid color […]
GUY NORDENSON [Recent Lecture]
Thu Oct 16, 6pm @ EMPAC: GUY NORDENSON: “READING STRUCTURES” Recognized for his independent research and innovative, collaborative work with architects, Guy Nordenson, principal of the New York firm Guy Nordenson and Associates, is a structural engineer and professor of architecture and structural engineering at Princeton University. He began his career as a draftsman in the […]