M. Arch. Advanced Standing Application Process

The Master of Architecture graduate program allows students who have completed a pre-professional degree in architecture to be considered for Advanced Standing in RPI’s Master of Architecture program. If admitted with Advanced Standing, students will receive waivers for courses totaling up to 33 credits (of 100 total credits). Students entering the program with Advanced Standing begin their studies in the fall of the second year of the curriculum and will be expected to complete 67 credits of required and elective courses to complete their degree within two years (four semesters) of full time coursework.

A pre-professional degree in architecture typically leads to a Bachelor of Science in Architecture and is normally defined as providing the foundations of architectural education that allow degree awardees to proceed to a two year Master’s program leading to a professional degree in architecture. 

Pre-professional programs must provide students with a broad range of introductory experience in architecture design culture (PC2), history and theory (PC4) and technical knowledge (SC4). Additionally, applications will be reviewed for specific undergraduate courses that address PC’s in the following courses listed below. Courses will be reviewed through a Course Equivalency Request approved by the teaching faculty and program directors.

Download the advanced standing matrix here.

Credit Requirements

  1. Applicants must have a minimum 20 undergraduate credits in architectural design studio courses, with a minimum grade of B. 
  2. Applicants must have a minimum 8 undergraduate credits in architectural design and or representation with a focus on digital design and or digitally based representation, with a minimum grade of B. 
  3. Applicants must have a minimum 12 undergraduate credits in Architectural History and Theory,  with a minimum grade of B. 
  4. Applicants must have a minimum 12 undergraduate credits in technical coursework in the areas of construction systems, environmental systems and practice and management,  with a minimum grade of B.

Design Category:

      • ARCH 5200: Graduate Architecture Design 1 (5 credits) 
      • ARCH 5160: Digital Constructs 1 (2 credits) 
      • ARCH 5210: Graduate Architecture Design 2 (5 credits) (introductory level of PC2/PC7)
      • ARCH 5170: Digital Constructs 2 (2 credits)

History and Theory Category: 

      • ARCH 5100: History, Theory, Criticism 1 (4 credits) (PC4)
      • ARCH 5110: History, Theory, Criticism 2 (4 credits) (PC4)

Technical Category:

      • ARCH 5140: Structures 1* (3 credits) (introductory level SC1, SC4) 
      • ARCH 5300: Construction Systems (2 credits) 
      • ARCH 5310: Environmental & Ecological Systems (4 credits) (introductory level PC3)

Business and Practice Category:

      • ARCH 5330: Entrepreneurship & Architecture (2 credits) 


      •  (PC = NAAB Program Criteria. SC = NAAB Student Criteria. Please, see below)
      • No PC or SC will be solely met by the first year curriculum or exclusively met through the advanced standing course equivalency process.
      • Courses fulfilling NAAB 2020 Student Criteria SC 5 and SC 6 will not be waived.

PC and SC Description

  • PC 1 Career Paths
  • PC 2 Design
  • PC 3 Ecological Knowledge & Responsibility
  • PC 4 History & Theory
  • PC 5 Research & Innovation
  • PC 6 Leadership and Collaboration
  • PC 7 Learning & Teaching Culture
  • PC 8 Social Equity & Inclusion


  • SC. 1 Health, Safe., Welfare. & the Built Env.
  • SC. 2 Professional Practice
  • SC. 3 Regulatory Context
  • SC. 4 Technical Knowledge
  • SC. 5 Design Synthesis
  • SC. 6 Building Integration

In some cases, additional courses may be considered for equivalency including fulfillment of the associated NAAB PC’s (see notes above) through the Course Equivalency Request with approval from the teaching faculty member. The Master of Architecture curriculum consists of 5000 level professional level courses and 6000 level advanced graduate level courses. 6000 level courses are ineligible for consideration for Course Equivalency. For more information please refer to the Master of Architecture curriculum.

The Course Equivalency review process is an evaluation of the quality of the course work completed through portfolio review and minimal grade of B, it’s equivalency to the courses being considered for replacement are based on the curricular goals specific to the Rensselaer Master of Architecture professional degree program and includes and evaluation of equivalency in the 2020 NAAB Program and Student Criteria. Please download the Course Equivalency Request form here.

The Course Equivalency Process for courses beyond the Design Category, including the History / Theory category, the Technical category and the Business / Practice category may lead to ‘waiving without replacement’ of certain courses in the first year of the curriculum. The evaluation is made based on the review of undergraduate courses that are deemed sufficient in their exposure to topics and technical knowledge taught in the subject areas cited above in the first year of the three year program. The review process may result in a successful waiver of certain courses, however students may be required to select advanced level professional electives in one or more of the subject categories listed above with the goal to acquire and strengthen specific Program Criteria (PC’s) and in some cases insure additional exposure of certain Student Criteria (SC’s) in the Technical Category. This additional guidance will be identified early in the process of developing the Plan of Study with the student and their faculty advisor.

The evaluation of the applicant’s transcript and additional course descriptions provided by the student to the SoA provide the basis for evaluation of these courses. In each case, the faculty member/coordinator responsible for the course may review the incoming student’s transcript and course description, along with syllabi and examples of work produced in the course.

Comments are closed.


Evan Douglis, Professor


School of Architecture
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th Street - Greene Bldg.
Troy, NY 12180 - USA

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