2010F_Arch Design 2_Crembil Section
ARCH-2200 | Gustavo Crembil, Assistant Professor
Material Manifestations: Archive and Exhibition Center for the Legacy of the Shakers
Selected Student Work:
Kunmi Park
In the context of a discipline that is desperate to experience materiality, craft is rarely mentioned today in architecture. Craft is not only knowledge of material properties and techniques; it is an adaptive behavior whose perpetual hybridization mode exposes the instinctual survival spirit of its communities of practitioners. Shakers craftwork, and its devotional role in daily life, questions the role of making in contemporary society. The invention of new forms is an essential social task. New forms are a physical representation of new possibilities: they liberate thought. New forms put institutional and cultural habits and preconceptions into play: they allow a society to re-imagine itself. But architecture should be concerned with more than the form, the end result. Construction work is not only a means to an end, but also something of value in itself. The architect should understand the abilities, desires, and limitations of all parties to the act of making. Architecture is a type of choreography, with drawing as its notation. Every building is the record of a performance.