2012S_Arch Design 1_Bitoni Section

ARCH-2210 | Franics Bitoni, Adjunct Professor

Architecture Design 1

Selected Student Work:

Hailey Beyer
Kendall DeMarco
Alexandria Frisbie
Boqun Huai

In his book titled The Three Ecologies, philosopher and psychoanalyst Felix Guattari formulates a definition of ecology that operates at three scales. For Guattari, ecologies are constructed beginning with the individual, or self, aggregations of individuals then produce collective bodies. These collective bodies then aggregate to produce environmental constructions. This studio examines computation as a means of producing social, spatial, and tectonic ecologies through the aggregation of discrete architectural components. Students explore the ecologies inherent in computational systems by inventing an individual, discrete computational body with its own set of capacities and limitations. These bodies are then set to interact with each other producing structures at a variety of scales. The students were then asked to explore computational systems as engines for producing aggregations that produce multi-scalar structures. Through diagramming and analysis, students revealed a series of emergent structures and behaviors within the aggregations termed neighborhoods. These findings were used to provoke the reinvention of discrete architectural components such as the wall or the column. Aggregations of these neighborhoods would ultimately produce global environmental conditions. The students were then asked to collectively deploy these systems at an architectural scale, producing a series of complex ecologies that interact with each other at the scale of the community.

Hailey Beyer

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Kendall DeMarco

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Alexandria Frisbie

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Boqun Huai

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Evan Douglis, Professor


School of Architecture
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th Street - Greene Bldg.
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