2011F_Arch Design 2_Crembil Section

ARCH-2220/2620 | Gustavo Crembil, Assistant Professor

(re)Configuring Identity:
Expanding the Hyde Collection, Glens Falls, NY

Selected Student Work:

Richard Abendroth
Joseph Daniele
Maxine Hu
William Pyatt

The Hyde Collection historical development, from domestic collection to museum, follows the historical path the institution “museum” itself. Its peripheral location, however, doesn’t shelter it form the contemporary institutional dilemmas and challenges. Its singular site situation, trapped between a secondary road leading to industrial warehouses and a service road that enters a large paper mill, forces The Hyde to define a place by itself and also to mark its presence within the region. This challenge needs to be articulated in conjunction with singular historical buildings, an ambitious programmatic expansion, complex urban and regional dynamics, and slope topographic conditions. This section focused on the notion of “tessellated landscapes”, understanding it as a way not to deploy singular elements but a strategy to address the whole site – the building as by-product of a larger analytical and generative argument –, establishing clear functional relations between all elements into one architectural statement, rather than a collection of buildings. Students were permitted to “erase” Larrabee Barnes’ expansion, to allow cleaner functional arrangements and to highlight the three original Sisters’ Houses considering as collection pieces themselves.

Richard Abendroth

Joseph Daniele

Yixuan (Maxine) Hu

William Pyatt

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Evan Douglis, Professor


School of Architecture
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th Street - Greene Bldg.
Troy, NY 12180 - USA

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