
ARCH4240/4250/4260/4360 (CASE) | Jefferson Ellinger, Assistant Professor and Graduate Director

CASE Center for Architecture, Science, and Ecology

Selected Student Work:

Tyler Convery – Angela McCrory
Krista Glanville – Mae-Ling Lokko – 
Caressa Siu – Nicholas Winter
Jessica Bristow – Joshua Gerber – Caitlin McCabe – Elizabeth Walsh

The design studio at the Center for Architecture Science and Ecology seeks to develop design techniques in which environmental research; innovation, analysis and performance, is synthesized with what might be considered traditional design techniques to holistically engage the design problem as a design research. The intention is to use the environmental factors as embedded design constraints so that they have a continual and immediate presence; not driving the design intentions overtly but always being present as a primary factor. In this studio, construction systems, overall function and environmental performance take precedence; however, the primary challenge of the studio is to develop a project with a design thesis that meets a multitude performance criteria. As with most academic studios there is a given program, in this studio that program is a tall building; however, unlike most studios there are multiple sites/climates for the individual projects. The students are required to identify the governing ecological factors for their particular site and generate a digital simulation of those forces. Traditional design concerns are then parametrically linked to the site simulations provideing immediate analysis ensuring desired performance while evaluating for other design criteria.

Team One: Tyler Convery and Angela McCrory

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Team Two: Krista Glanville, Mae-Ling Lokko, Caressa Siu, and Nicholas Winter

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Team Three: Jessica Bristow, Joshua Gerber, Caitlin McCabe, and Elizabeth Walsh

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Evan Douglis, Professor


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