FP_Leitao Section 12-13
Final Project | Carla Leitao, Adjunct Professor
Cloud-Architecture: REASSEMBLY
FP Students 2012-13 – Carla Leitao Section

In the past 2 years this section has looked at the possible concept of Cloud Architecture.
The first studio – CLOUD Institution/Transvercity – looked at the design of Cloud Structures with the capacity to create or inspire novel forms of institution within across other environments: of being both an archive/library and an education/promoter of protocols that would insure conservation, repetition of chosen themes, operators, programs, spaces, objects.
The second studio – CLOUD Disassembly – looked into Cloud Architectures that could disassemble other architectures as well as themselves. The context for this search was to look into the architecture and urbanism of large temporary (mainly sports) events – World Cup, Olympics, but also World Expo, among others -, and their promises and shortcomings economically and culturally to their host cities as well as in the larger context of global awareness on buildings environmental impact.
This third studio – CLOUD Reassembly – proposes an enquiry into the possible new structures of order that can be found or (re)created in scenarios of catastrophe or disaster, in the preparation, duration or aftermath of radical cross-sectioning events of destructive force.
The CLOUD REASSEMBLY Thesis Section looks into future architectures that can reassemble broken, left-over, hanging, cut-off, shred, blown-out, disconnected, isolated structures/entities – questioning, while emphasizing, the paradigm of building as unity, and focusing on concepts of synthetic material character, assembly, micro-intelligence, local and remote sensitivity, and temporary characters of architectural space.